A tribute to a love that … is!

It does sound very obvious in hindsight. Why - when you are in love - do what you do? At the bottom of every deed of a person in love towards the person he loves is a deep and profound desire for happiness of the loved one. What matters is not what is being done, what pains are you going through, what efforts you are taking, or anything that helps make the deed. What matters is how that deed makes the loved one happy.
With you or with someone else!
There's a desire in us to make the loved one happy. If that happiness comes because of someone else and with someone else, it does not matter. I know deep in my mind that this is truth. Sure we have seen people who upon risking separation from the loved one, wish ill for them or sometime even try to end both lives. But they are exceptions; only to prove the rule.
I sometimes look back and think about a love that was. And when I do I realize it was not the love that 'was'. It is a love that 'is'. True love never ends, never empties. It's always the same. Never does it change. The intensity may vary over years. But when you think about someone you loved, the time you spent together, what she did for you, what you did for her, the beautiful moments you spent together, and almost anything from the period, the intensity is the same.
It is purposeless to even ask the question of if the love was so intense, why did the loved one go the other way? Things happen. Reasons change. Motivations transform. Backgrounds matter. In the end the effect cannot disguise itself though. The effect remains and we must stay with it.
And love stays too.
Never does it go away. It takes forms. It changes perspectives. It changes your outlook towards the world. But in the end, think, what do we want to change? The world! The grand scheme of inexplicable and enigmatic persons and events. We wish some things never would have happened. We yearn some things never would have changed. But changed have they.
What is not changed? The very reason behind these wishes. The love!
It's beyond any rationale thinking or reasoning. It's beyond logic. It cannot be justified. But it does exist. And it keeps existing.
And when we think back about it, we find ourselves fortunate and grateful to have lived that love for whatever time we did. So much so that sometimes we find it unbelievable to have lived them.
That hand is no longer in the hand, those eyes don't emit the same emotions. So what? There are enormously beautiful memories of them. Those moments are so incredibly powerful and beautiful they keep inspiring us and cheering us up, and sometimes even make us forget that time has passed.
That is why this is a tribute to 'a love that is'.